Holy Trinity Church of England Academy
Nurturing, Inspiring, Achieving
01249 812424

The academy has a single class in each year group, and the governing body limits class sizes to a maximum of 30. Altogether there are about 210 children in the academy. Most of our children go on to the local Kingsbury Green Academy, although some move to Chippenham and some go on to independent schools.
Most admissions are based on the distance a child lives from the school. However, priority is given to children in care or adopted from care, siblings of children already in the academy and to faith based admissions.
If you are interested in your child joining the academy, please phone us on 01249 812424 to arrange a visit. For all admissions you will have to complete a Wiltshire local authority admissions form, even if you live outside Wiltshire.
The academy prospectus can be downloaded by going to the prospectus tab on the reports drop-down menu or paper copies can be obtained from the academy office.
Starting School
Children start school in the school year in which they turn 5. Before deciding where to send their child, most parents visit several schools. They normally do this during the autumn term of the year before their children are due to start. Please telephone to make an appointment and the headteacher will be glad to show you around the school and answer any questions you may have.
To gain admission parents or carers must complete a local authority admission form. This is available online at Apply for a school place - Wiltshire Council from September of the year before the child is due to start. For faith based admissions, you should also fill in the academy admission form, which is included in the prospectus, and return it to the academy. This will enable us to verify that your child is entitled to a place on a faith basis.
The first round of applications for places for September 2025 closes on 15th January 2025. Parents or guardians will receive written notification of the outcome, from the Local Authority on 17th April 2025. An offer of a school place must then be accepted in writing by the Local Authority deadline.
Frequently Asked Questions
Admissions to Reception
Do you expect to have more applications than places this year?
The number of children in Calne varies every year, as does the relative popularity of the different schools. We usually have had a full intake of 30 children but please do not let this discourage you from applying. The birth rate in Calne is very low at present.
Do I live in your catchment area?
The academy does not have a catchment area in the same way that local authority schools do. We admit children from within the parish of Calne and Blackland in preference to children who live outside the parish, (except those who already have a sibling in the academy). Our pupils come from right across Calne and beyond.
Should I enter a second and third preference school on the application form?
Yes. If a place is not available in your first preference school and you have not entered a second preference then you will be allocated a place at the nearest school to your home which has space. Schools are not told who has selected them as first preference until after places are offered, so places are offered strictly in line with the academy's admissions criteria.
Can my child attend school full time from September?
All children are offered full time places from September. During the first two weeks of term we will induct new children in two groups, but after this most will be in school full time. However full time attendance at school is not compulsory until the term in which children turn 5.
Are children taught in mixed year groups?
No. There are seven classes, one for each year group. Year groups are not mixed and there are no plans to change this.
Admissions to Other Year Groups
Do you have places in my child’s year group?
Most classes are currently at their capacity. However things can change quickly, so please telephone the academy to check that this is the most up-to-date information available. Telephone 01249 812424. If there are places then you should contact Wiltshire Local Authority admissions department and complete an In-Year Transfer Form. The LA will then liaise with us. If a place is not currently available you can still add your name to a waiting list. You need to confirm this in writing. Again, apply to the LA and they will liaise with the school. Pupils on the waiting list are admitted in line with the criteria in our admissions policy, not on a first-come basis.
Please be aware that if you would like your child to remain on our waiting list, you should let the academy know at the beginning of each academic year.
The local authority's admissions department can be contacted on 01225 713010. Their website is here.
The Admissions Policy 2024-25
The Admissions Policy for 2024-25 has been agreed by the Governing Body as is available to download. Please click on the following link - Holy Trinity Admissions-Policy 2024-25
The Admissions Policy 2025-26
The Admissions Policy for 2025-26 has been agreed by the Governing Body as is available to download. Please click on the following link - Holy Trinity Admissions-Policy 2025-26
The Admissions Policy 2026-27
The Admissions Policy for 2026-27 has been agreed by the Governing Body as is available to download. Please click on the following link - Holy Trinity Admissions-Policy 2026-27
There is a 'Request on Denominational Grounds' Form - please click to download.
If you are refused admission, you can appeal. Please click to download a copy of our Appeals Timetable here:
You will also need an admissions appeal form. Please click on the following links to download the appeals form you require:
HOLY TRINITY Infant Admission Appeal form
HOLY TRINITY KS2 Admission Appeal form
The local authority have produced the following guidance: A parent's guide to school admission appeals